These general guidelines address the permissible use of iMEXX’s Trademarks in text by third parties. The trademarks to which these guidelines apply are the word marks listed on the iMEXX Trademark List. Without express written authorization by iMEXX Technoligies, LLC., any use of iMEXX Trademarks in a manner that is inconsistent with these guidelines, including the use of trademarks, trade names or domain names that are confusingly similar to iMEXX Trademarks is prohibited.
Permissible Uses of iMEXX Trademarks
In general, you may use iMEXX Trademarks to make factually accurate statements in reference to products or services of iMEXX, provided you do so in accordance with these guidelines. Subject to these guidelines, you also may use a iMEXX Trademark by reference to indicate that your product or service is compatible with or may be used with iMEXX products, provided that the referential use of the iMEXX Trademark does not create a false sense of endorsement, sponsorship or association with iMEXX or its products and services.
Form of Use
- You should always use the iMEXX Trademark as an adjective and not as a noun or verb. The trademark should be followed by the appropriate generic term for the product.
Always present the iMEXX Trademarks in the exact same form and spacing as show above. Do not alter iMEXX marks in any way.
Acceptable Unacceptable iMEXX®
iMEXX Technologies ®imexx, Imexx, IMEXX -
Do not use iMEXX Trademarks in a plural or possessive form.
Acceptable Unacceptable iMEXX® iMEXXes
Referential Use of iMEXX Trademarks
The table below provides examples of ‘unacceptable’ and ‘acceptable’ uses of iMEXX Trademarks to refer to your product or service. This list is merely for your guidance, and should not be considered to be an all-inclusive list.
Acceptable | Unacceptable |
[Your Product/Service Name] for use with iMEXX® Products | iMEXX [Your Product/Service Name] |
[Your Product/Service Name] works with iMEXX® Products | iMEXX’s [Your Product/Service Name] |
When using or referring to iMEXX Trademarks, the appropriate trademark symbol (® or ™) must be exhibited immediately adjacent to the trademark the first time it appears in the text, as shown in the following examples:
- iMEXX®
- Rhythmz™
- Rhythmz™ Blu
- Rhythmz™ Air
- Rhythmz™ Pro
- Rhythmz™ Live
- Rhythmz™ Vibe
- Rhythmz™ Duo
- Rhythmz™ BluBox
- Alessio™
- Moda™
- Venetto™
- Brio™
- Milano™
- Aria™
- Capri™
- Vizo™
- SnapzProX™
- Flipz 360™
- SoudPro X 14™
Notice of Ownership
When making a permissible use of a iMEXX Trademark in accordance with these guidelines, you should always include a prominent acknowledgement that iMEXX owns these trademarks. Examples of acceptable trademark disclaimer/attributions are the following:
For referential use in accordance with these Guidelines:
The Trademark [iMEXX Trademark used] is owned by iMEXX Technologies, LLC. and is registered in the United States and may be pending
or registered in other countries. [User Company Name] is not endorsed, sponsored, affiliated with or otherwise authorized by iMEXX Technologies, LLC.
Use of iMEXX Trademarks in Titles of Publications
You may use iMEXX Trademarks on the cover and title of a publication without written authorization by iMEXX provided you are in full compliance with all of the terms and conditions in these guidelines.
- The iMEXX Trademarks are used in ordinary text and not stylized or in a logo format.
- The iMEXX Trademarks are no larger than any other text for the publication title.
- The iMEXX Trademarks are not varied or abbreviated.
A Notice of Ownership of Trademark as set out above along with a disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement must be included prominently in the publication, and when possible on the front or back cover of the publication, similar in form to the following example:
- (Title) is an independent (publication) and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by iMEXX Technologies, LLC."
- The publication does not lead consumers to believe that there is an association with iMEXX or the publication is approved or endorsed by iMEXX.
- The iMEXX Trademarks are not used in the title of a series of publications.
Prohibited Uses of iMEXX Trademarks
The use of iMEXX Trademarks in the name of your product, service, corporate name, or domain name is not permitted.
You are not permitted to use any iMEXX Trademark, in whole or in part, or any alteration of any iMEXX Trademark, in the name of your products or services, in your company name or in your domain names or universal resource locator (URL). This includes any variation, abbreviation or takeoff of a iMEXX Trademark, or any other names that are confusingly similar to the iMEXX Trademarks.
Acceptable Unacceptable -
Meta tags
You are not permitted to use the iMEXX® or other iMEXX Technologies, LLC. Trademarks as meta tags for your webpages. -
Disparaging use
You are not permitted to use the iMEXX Trademarks in any manner that disparages iMEXX, its affiliates, partners, products or services. -
Use of variations, abbreviations or takeoffs
You are not permitted to use the iMEXX® or other iMEXX Trademarks as meta tags for your webpages.It is not permissible to use a variation, abbreviation or takeoff of a iMEXX Trademark. For example, “iMEXXES” and “IMEX” are not acceptable uses with reference to any products or services of iMEXX. -
Do not use iMEXX Trademarks directly or indirectly to suggest sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your product or service. -
Positioning of trademarks
iMEXX Trademarks should not be the most prominent visual element used in association with your product or service. -
Harmful use
Your use of iMEXX Trademarks must not be obscene, disparaging, defamatory or libelous to iMEXX or any other person.